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My blog earnings
The earnings from my blog is pitiful. Today for example as at 7pm I only earned 11 cents. Yesterday was 28 cents and for the month of August 2022 up till today is a mere pittance. So don't come and say I need eyeballs, viewership etc. Frankly, I don't give two hoots what some of you might say about me being "prata" liked. I can afford not to have the trouble makers here. In fact, I can do away with this blog entirely.
I accept KayPoh aka busybody's advice and reopen for anonymous comments

Hi, BT, whilst it is good of you to have such a requirement to log in, I am sure you will know that it is not an absolute solution to prevent adverse and wilful comments against you.
This is because any wilful person(s) will post adverse comments against you on other blogs, given the wide network of social media networks. You mentioned "taking them to court", but it is a very tedious process. Firstly, you have to track and identify the true identity of the person who made the wilful comments. As you know, there are many ways to avoid detection. Secondly, you have to serve the legal documents before a court hearing can take place. All these cost money. Thirdly, assuming you are able to accommplish the above 2 conditions and you are even able to get a favourable judgment, there might also be problem.
Our legal system is such that the loser will pay compensation and legal costs. What if, for example, the loser refuse, or cannot affort, to pay? You will end up having to pay your own legal bills and also take further action against him. To put it bluntly, you will be forced to make decision to throw good money after bad. Which is why we don't see many legal actions of this sort.
SunnyGale commented that you are using the LKY tactic. In those cases which the late LKY had sued, the defendants made those comments publicly, and so it was more straightforward for him. In any event, the late LKY has all the resources needed.
Your blog already has a reservation that you have the right to censor and reject wilful posts. That should be enough.
So, my thoughts are these:-
1. Might as well let those wilful posters continue if they still need a false sense of superiority complex. Most of your readers are mature enough to know what is right and what is wrong.
2. By imposing restriction(s), it might give him the misguided interpretation that he had succeeded in annoying you.
SIA cabin crew job opening
Application for SIA cabin crew for Thailand and Korea is now closed. The applications at Malaysia and Singapore are still open. All are through online application.
SIA recruiting foreign cabin crew again
RIP Mark Poh
No more anonymous comment
Reader Sunny Gale's response to mun's "study hard" advice
In reality, cabin crew is a creme de la creme job. U will be able to appreciate it after u get the job, quit the job, work on ground, realised the mundane & monotony of grd job, then shit, is this life working on ground: work almost everyday & going through the process day in and day out till u leave the planet.
Crew, in reality, belongs to a elite & special group on planet Earth, bless with the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest, as in the Lifestyle of the rich and famous.
You never get a job which can offer such fun & excitement, visit country u have never been before. If u have a good set of crew, wow, the shopping, pub hopping, tasting different brew of alcoholic concoction, relaxation in the comfort of your room snuggle under the nice & soft comforter of the bed in winter, and watching TV channels of the world. And if you have a steward/dess lover with you it really enriches your life in the room, hehe, what can I say, wow wee again.
Okay the trade-off ìs: Can u handle it - CC job is real demanding physically. You will learn what "Tired & shack" is all about after joining CC, just like what "Thirst" is in the Army during Basic training.
Remember physically and mentally challenging is the name of the job, so much so when the flight lands you can't wait to get to the hotel. Even in the bus, on way to hotel, u feel the strain. Once in your room, a total "shack and extreme tiredness" that you will feel in your well being hits u hard and sleep has never feels so so good as you lay down on your bed. And if a sweetheart is with you, strange enough you still have the power to make love to your darling even after flt , although very tired.
So not only can crew have lunch in Lon, JFK, Paris, but they can also romance around the world as well.
Let's get serious, ask yourself, r u willing to accept the extreme tiredness working as CC, but compensated by the wonderful lifestyles of the rich and famous, given the opportunity to enrich one's life and enjoy the wonders of different countries that comes with it.
My take is: Only one life on planet earth & no going back, miss the opportunity, u miss the golden chance to enrich your life before saying sayonara to the world.
Don't be a fool, all jobs big or small are mundane, what matters is can it enriches your life.
My recommendation: fly 5 yrs at least, but if you can get into an airline offer flying till retirement, then why not make it a career as it pays well, required to fly only 90+hrs/mth (4days added up/mth) hehe. The higher up in rank, the fun level goes up in this job. The crew in charge has the most enjoyment in this job, kkkk most of the time with fat pay for the job scope, which in reality is a simple job. A novice can learn to be a C in C in an hour if I tell you the gist of it , it is that easy, cause no one to override u.
So you realise, flying is easy job, with great fun, a holiday job actually, who don't want? Don't believe... quit flying if u r already in , then work on ground, u then will realised how stupid one can be, cause ground is no bed of roses. Ground job though not as demanding physically is meaningless.
Hey mum, you ain't know what you are missing telling your daughter to study hard, for what, to work in a mundane job?
Retired crew: most having fun as well, going all over SIN, to try the buffets in hotels, again still enriching their life, till we get to the next level to have buffets in heaven, hehehehe.
My take is : one only quit flying if u can make big bucks on ground, otherwise u r better off flying. So don't be a fool. Play it cool ��. Love the World.
So crew wannabes go for it, get Boh tong notes on cabin crew & go for the interview,try & try, no harm even if u don't succeed. This is life.
Back to online application
SIA has reverted its cabin crew interview in Singapore to Online application starting 2 August which was yesterday. Last Saturday, it was walk-in interview at MBS. Wonder why the frequent switch?
SIA overwhelmed by number of applicants
The Stylistics - I'm Stone In Love with You
This is a 1972 single by The Stylistics. Who is the "Stylistics" of cabin crew and why?
The Pride of SIA
The above photos showed the post Covid cabin crew graduates after a tough 4 months training at STC. Our congratulations! It has been 2 years since the last batch graduated.
A comment from a reader worth reading?
What does it mean when one says that they are 'grateful'.to being
employed as a flight attendant? Particularly SQ..??If u join JAL, Emirates or Qatar, you will realised that these airlines are rather strict in many areas.
SIA is more inclusive and sophisticated in it's treatment of cabin crew and tech crew.
If u compare operating pattern, SQ are better in most areas.
In the area of discipline, it has been an open-door policy for SQ.
Some of the other airlines, CC operate under a fear factor (Senior crew instruction is to be adhered to, just like in the Army, or else u will be reported).
The early days of SQ, CC operated in this environment. There were few IFM who were very unreasonable.
The anti-CC anonymous guy probably had a hard time from all these fear factor IFM. This is why he has nothing good to say about CC.
And this person is a guy and not a female.
I can narrow him down, haha.
Basically to answer your question about you are better off in SIA :- SQ is more inclusive and the CC are more sophisticated and the CC culture has come a long way and getting better year on year.
On Boh Tong blog, l can see changes in the comments (more sophisticated and refined in their contents commentators coming in). Good.
There is one left who is still putting down CC as a great job.
Boh Tong's blog could have gotten ever more popular through the years but unfortunately in the early days of your blogging, you have 3 anti CC trolls which created havoc in the comments section and chased my readers away from commenting.
This is why your blog did not progress much.
U should have ensured communities guidelines and respect in people's comment in the early days and the blog would be very successful by now.
I noticed in the early days when someone made a good comment, this anti-CC guy would come in and shoot them down and chase all the commenters away, resulting in hardly anyone coming in to comment after that.
All you get and still around are 3 anti CC guys making degrading comments about CC.
Apparently 2 anti guys have sobered down leaving one standing (General Custer's last stand, hehe).
Anyway being a cabin crew (job asides, don't talk about the working part, which is exhausting) truly offer you an awesome lifestyles, even the rich and famous cannot experience.
The CC environment provides you the best entertainment and enrichment in your life on planet Earth that no other job can come close.
Other job can get you higher remuneration but is unable to match the lifestyle.
So u choose: more money and better status job
OR - the CC lifestyles where u make all the young girls cry and enjoy the world with all its intriguing entertainments thrown in.
Would it be a blessing in disguise?
Why the change?
SIA is recruiting Korean stewards and stewardesses